How to reduce Photo file size?

how to reduce image size
how to reduce image size

You’ve arrived at the right place if you’re looking for instructions on how to reduce photo file size? To keep visitors interested and increase sales, all companies seek to present suitably sized and high-quality photos. However, the smaller image file size can be beneficial.

Now you also learn about how to compress a photo and can save storage space by lowering the file size of an image, allowing you to add more photographs to your blog or email newsletters?

Because site performance is a significant aspect of ranking, properly sized photos can increase your website’s speed and rank in Google search. It can also make your content load faster and improve its overall performance.

We’ll teach you how to reduce an excess of data in this guide. First, we talk about compression.

What is the definition of photo compression?

Photo compression, also known as image compression, is a method of reducing the photo size so that it takes up less memory on your computer while maintaining the image’s quality. It’s not a difficult process to compress images, and it’s a fantastic approach to saving computer memory.

how to reduce photo size

In Windows 11 and 10, there are four ways to compress image files:

On Windows 11 and 10, compressing picture files is an excellent way to reduce disc space.

Large image files can eat up a lot of space on your computer’s hard drive, up to a gigabit. Simply for that reason, it’s a good idea to either remove or compress any image files you want to save. Within Windows 11, you can compress photos in several different ways. As a result, here are four different ways to compress photos in Windows 11.

1. Using an online compressor, you can shrink the size of your image files:

You can also use a reliable free online photo editor to compress your photos professionally. It frequently gets an app that can help you optimize and rank your Shopify store on Google, in addition to being an online tool. This program, for example, creates ALT tags and names for photography automatically.

Take a look at the methods below whenever we need to minimize the size of a picture file using an internet tool:

1. Go to your web browser and open it.

2. Drag and drop the files you want to shrink into a smaller size. However, take in mind that each file cannot exceed 3MB in size.

3. Once the compression is complete, download the image.

4. For the sake of interest, you will be told about the difference in the file size of the original and how to reduce the photo image.

2. How to Compress Images in MS Paint by Cropping Them:

You can also crop photographs with Paint’s cropping tool, which allows you to remove the image’s outer edges. Cropping minimizes the total data size of a picture by removing some of it. Cropping can thus be an effective compression approach for photographs that appear to have been edited in this way.

In Paint, here’s how to reduce a photo:

1. Open Paint and an image to edit in it, as described in the previous compression method’s first five steps.

2. Select the Image button in Paint.

3. Select the option from the drop-down menu.

4. Drag a highlight over an area of a photo you want to keep in the picture with the left mouse.

5. Choose the Image option once more.

6. To remove the area outside of your selection, select Crop.

7. Select that option from the File menu to save the image.

3. Using ZIP Archives to Compress Images:

A ZIP file is a type of compressed archive that can hold many files. The overall file size of a group of photographs can be reduced by zipping them together. Some users compress photos in ZIP archives to lower the size of their combined email attachments. The ZIP option in Windows 11 allows you to compress image files as follows:

1. Create a new window in File Explorer.

2. Assemble a folder with certain photographs for a ZIP archive.

3. Press and hold the Ctrl key to choose numerous images for the ZIP package.

4. Right-click one of the selected photographs and choose Show additional options from the menu that appears.

5. From the conventional context menu, choose to Send to.

6. From the submenu, choose the Compressed (zipped) folder.

7. Press the Return key after entering a title for the ZIP file. If you ever need to decompress the ZIP file, use Explorer’s Extract All option. Then, on the window that appears, pick Browse to select a path for an extracted folder. To decompress the archive in the selected folder, click Extract.

4. Using image-editing software to compress photos:

There are numerous high-quality photo-editing software alternatives available. To edit images, you can use powerful platforms like Adobe Photoshop or simpler, less expensive versions like Adobe Photoshop Elements.

If you simply need photo-editing software to compress or resize a few photographs, don’t pay for Photoshop when or the GNU Image Manipulation Program, also known as GIMP, are free options. These free options are often well-liked and should be easy to learn for new users.

To compress your photographs using photo-editing software, follow these steps:

In your picture-editing software, open the photo you wish to compress.

1Go to your software’s file menu and select Save As or Save.

2. In the pop-up menu, select Options.

 3. In the Photo Compression area of the menu, choose High Compression.

4. In the Encryption section, choose Lo less Encoding. This will aid in the preservation of the photo’s integrity.

5. Click the OK button.

6. Click the Save button.

7. The photo will be compressed and saved by your computer.

Because saving the photo as a JPEG may result in a loss of quality, the shot should be secured when compression. Avoid quality loss by saving your shot in a format other than JPEG, such as TIFF, PNG, GIF, or BMP. Because image editing can be tricky at times, it’s a good idea to keep an original copy in case something goes wrong. Using a duplicate image to make adjustments is always a good idea.

reduce image size online

How I Put the Services to the Test:

To test the picture optimization services, I purchased a high-quality photo (JPEG) with a file size of 9629 KB. My calculations were based on the original and final file sizes. Online services had varying values in several circumstances.

This is also a good reminder not to rename your compressed photos the same as the originals. Always have your original photos on hand in case you wish to try out different providers. Another issue is that when you try to enlarge some file types, such as JPG, they get pixels.

•Photo was taken as a preliminary test.

The original photograph has a resolution of 4500 px by 3000 px. I opened Snagit and Affinity Photo after I finished testing to see if there were any aesthetic differences between the files. The original and compressed photos appeared to me to be the same. There were no washed-out colors that I saw. All of the services included a previewer that let you compare “before” and “after” photographs.

The compressor is a personal project of a front-end developer using open-source software such as JPEGO time, etc. The service performed an excellent job compressing images. The resulting photo was reduced to 24% of the original size. According to the site, it’s possible to get a 90% file reduction. It can optimize JPEG, PNG, SVG, GIF, and Webpage. Lossy, Lossless, and Custom compression options are available through the service. Additional options, such as image resizing and image quality fine-tuning, are available when you delve down into the custom option. These choices, however, are not available in the free version.

Reduce Photo Size

Compressing images might help you save space on your hard drive:

Which method of image compression do you prefer? With the RIOT and compression tools, you can get significant image file size reductions (albeit at the expense of picture quality). The other varying aches, on the other hand, will lower photo file sizes to varying degrees. By compressing your images using any of the ways listed above, you’ll be able to free up some hard disc storage space.

The final thoughts:

There are several choices for reducing photo file sizes if you’re seeking to figure out how to compress the photo size. More internet tools and compression methods are being developed in addition to my recommendations. Google is fueling some of this because they need to speed up the web. And, as we all know, each new generation of smartphones comes with improved cameras, which means higher file sizes.

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